Everyday you rise and get about your day and no matter what work you put your
hands to, even if you are just breathing, perhaps lying in a meditative or for some a vegetative state, you require energy. Plants get their energy from the sun primarily but what about us animals? Rather those of us that possess animal bodies. Where do we get our energy from and beyond that, how much do we need to sustain ourselves, to thrive and grow? Are we not more complex creatures than plants, requiring not just energy but also a broad array of nutrients that we cannot produce ourselves? then where!? how!? HOW DO WE EAT TO LIVE? HOW DO WE EAT FOR LIFE?
The principle thing is KNOWLEDGE!
What does the animal crave day in and out, what does it need to survive? The human body is of the earth and turns back to its terrestrial mother for all its primary needs.
Our conversation begins then with proper nutrition and understanding of what nutrients are essential to our survival and health.
Nutrients are broken down into two groups and they are:
- Macro - Nutrients
- Micro - Nutrients
MACRO-nutrients must be consumed in large quantity and provide the bulk of our energy. They are:
- Proteins - Essential and Non-essential have 4 calories per gram
- Carbohydrates - Simple and Complex have 4 calories per gram
- Fats - Saturated and Unsaturated have 9 calories per gram
MICRO-nutrients are required in small quantities and are essential to proper physiological function. A short list below :
- Vitamins - Water and Fat Soluble
- Minerals
I consider Clean and fresh WATER, AIR, & SUNLIGHT to be additional essential nutrients even more vital than those aforementioned.
Sunshine is transmitted in electromagnetic radiation: microwaves, ultraviolet waves, infrared waves, radio and visible light. Though science has proved that sun can have harmful effects on the skin including skin cancer it has also been proven that the suns rays have amazing healing and revitalizing effects on the body and can effectively treat such illness as, prostate, ovarian, & colon cancers as well as multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis. One should spend at least 15 minutes a day bathing in the sun taking in its powerful rays.
Air is the one thing that as soon as you go without it, for even a brief moment, you notice its absence. Every moment of your life the heart works to pump blood throughout the body's circulatory system so that the tissues might receive fresh oxygen amongst the other exchanges and activities that are taking place. This means that not more than a few moment can pass before your body is letting you know that its need fresh oxygen.
Its the negative IONS on the air that help to increase oxygen flow in the brain and rest of the body and oxygen is so important because it is essential to cellular respiration - oxygen and sugar react to provide us with the energy we need to live and grow from moment to moment.
Fiber isn't only good for maintain healthy and normal digestive function. Foods containing fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. I cannot overstate the importance of fiber keeping your Gastro Intestinal tract clear and free flowing so that nutrients can be properly assimilated and also so that the immune system can function properly.
Remember, the human body is a complex and amazing system, its not just what you eat but when and how. Click here to learn about the rules of food combining and ensure that your digestive system runs as efficiently as possible as it assimilates all these nutrients from your meals.
Dandelion Greens - the lions tooth
The dandelion plant is a powerful healer, used to purify the blood, settle digestion and prevent piles and gall stones, among other maladies. The fact is the greens of the humble dandelion provide 535 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin K, which may be the most important source of any other plant-based food to strengthen bones, but may also play a role in fighting Alzheimer's disease by limiting neuron damage in the brain.
Dandelion greens also give the body 112 percent of the daily minimum requirement of vitamin A as an antioxidant carotenoid, which is particularly good for the skin, mucus membranes and vision. A flavonoid called zeaxanthin protects the retina from UV rays, while others, primarily carotene, lutein, and cryptoxanthin, protect the body from lung and mouth cancers.
Dandelion greens are high in fiber, which helps your body shed waste. These greens also contain vitamins C and B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron (crucial for generating red blood cells), potassium (to help regulate heart rate and blood pressure), and manganese. Other nutrients present in dandelion greens include folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.
Quinoa - pronounced (keen-wah) - the mother grain
If you dont know, now you know! quinoa is one of the best things you haven't been eating. a staple in my kitchen, quinoa is a great wheat substitute that is actually a seed and originates in the andes mountains of south america. why is quinoa a must have for practically every body on the planet, especially those serious about living a healthy lifestyle in a not so healthy world? check below for a breakdown of what the ancients called the "mother grain":
- complete protein - contains all eight amino acids
- gluten free
- high in fiber
- cholesterol free
- high in essential vitamins and minerals
- about 7g of protein per serving
Shown here is a Quinoa salad with radish, sprouts, and fresh herbs mixed in. |
Amaranth - the "lost" grain
If you thought quinoa was something? let me put you on to amaranth, the grain that had once been a staple in the diets of the ancient Aztecs. I had learned that with the arrival of Cortez and the Spanish conquistadors, all crops of amaranth were burned, its use was forbidden, and its possession was cause for severe punishment. wow, a food thought to give supernatural ability to those who consumed it was all but destroyed because it was so valuable.
amaranth bread |
- complete protein - all 8 essential amino acids
- gluten free
- 4xs calcium as wheat
- twice the iron and magneseum as wheat
- 9g of protein 1 cup
Sweet potato - super food of the ages
Sweet potatoes are not always orange-fleshed on the inside but can also be a spectacular purple color. Sometimes it's impossible to tell from the skin of sweet potato just how rich in purple tones its inside will be. The purple-fleshed sweet potato has important antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties. Particularly when passing through our digestive tract, they may be able to lower the potential health risk posed by heavy metals and oxygen radicals...and now the breakdown:
- top ranked in vitamin A content
- significant source of dietary fiber
- excellent source of vitamins C, B2, B6, E, and B7
- good source of minerals
- averages 2g of protein per serving
- full of cancer / disease fighting antioxidants
It's important to have some fat in your sweet potato-containing meals if you want to enjoy the full beta-carotene benefits of this superfood. Recent research has shown that a minimum of 3-5 grams of fat per meal significantly increases our uptake of beta-carotene from sweet potatoes. Other than that, you pretty much want to eat sweet potatoes on an almost daily basis to enjoy, healthier skin, hair, and nails; improved metabolism and the wonderful taste of a virtually fat and cholesterol free cancer fighting powerhouse. eat up!
Garlic - the stinking rose
one of what I call " the three tresures" (aka the three "g's") garlic is an invaluable vegetable and one that i consume in some form or another almost daily. dubbed the stinking rose, garlic has benefits ranging from antiseptic, antiviral, immune booster, and more. if you can get past that "sweet" smell than you'll have a host of benefits to enjoy. check below for the breakdown:
- garlic is proven to lower cholesterol, blood pressure and fight cancer and atherosclerosis (heart disease)
- garlic is a superb anti-inflammatory
- garlic is great source of antioxidants
- garlic is proven to boost immune
- good source of protein (1.5g/serving)
the health benefits of garlic are enjoyed to their fullest when the garlic is crushed or chopped finely and allowed to sit for at least 5 minutes, this gives the all important alliinase enzymes the opportunity to reach their greatest potential before ingestion. When eating, it is best to add garlic towards the end of the cooking process to retain the maximum amount of flavor and nutrition. Enjoy!
Coconut - Oil, Water, Milk
Kale - the true "WINTER"green
Ah Kale! what sweet crucifer you are. that's right kale is one of the healthiest veggies you'll find out there with origins in europe kale is a hearty vegetable that does well in cold environments, in fact, kale acquires is best flavor after being exposed to some frost. kale is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family which includes other high powered foods like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. there have been extensive studies on the kales ability to prevent and fight various cancers specifically: colon, breast, bladder, prostate, and ovarian cancers. While many love to eat Kale cooked i find that it is best used by the body while the leaves are still tender and young. this is why i remonned baby kale. we should take a lesson from nature in that must vegetable eating animals eat the fresh young leaves leaving the more fibrous and difficult to digest mature leaves behind.
- kale is even more rich in antioxidants than spinach
- kale is superb anti-inflammatory
- kale is a strong detoxifier and has great alkalizing effect on the body
- kale is high in fiber and has been proven to lower cholesterol
Lentils - the beans you don't have to soak
Lentils, a small but mighty member of the legume family, are a great source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. Not only do lentils help lower cholesterol, they are of special benefit in managing blood-sugar disorders like DIABETES since their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal. This is far from all lentils have to offer. Lentils also provide substantial amounts of six important minerals, two B-vitamins, and protein—all with virtually no fat. and now... the breakdown:
- 8g of protein a serving
- 15g of fiber
- excellent source of folate and molybdenum
- provides 50% dv of manganese
- provides over 1/3 dv of iron
The calorie cost of all this nutrition? Just 230 calories for a whole cup of cooked lentils. these little guys pack a mean nutritional punch and will be sure to fill you up... not out. At about 1 dollar per pound, lentils are a no brainer.
Cayenne - Guinea pepper - the "RED" pepper
Ready for some heat? the hot and spicy, cayenne pepper adds zest to delicious dishes across the globe and health to those brave enough to risk its fiery heat. The heat produced by cayenne is caused by its high concentration of a substance called capsaicin (cap-say-sin).
In addition to their high capsaicin content, cayenne peppers are also an excellent source of vitamin A. want to know some of the health benefits? check below for the breakdown:
- boost immunity
- strong anti inflammatory
- prevent ulcers
- clear congestion
- lose weight
Outside of it being Nature's finest nutritive sweetener, research indicates that honey's unique composition makes it useful as an antimicrobial agent and antioxidant. Honey has been used since ancient times both as a nutritious food and as a powerful medicine.
Olive oil - the extra virgin oil
Dandelion greens
Dandelion greens compare favorably in nutritional content to other commonly consumed green vegetables, providing four times as much calcium, 1.5 times as much vitamin A and 7.5 times as much vitamin K as broccoli. This leafy green vegetable also contains twice as much iron and three times as much riboflavin as spinach, and, while spinach provides no vitamin E or carotenoids, dandelion greens boast 17 percent of the daily adult dose of vitamin E and 13,610 international units, or IUs, of lutein and zeaxanthin per 3.5-ounce serving. However, dandelion greens are lower in vitamin C and folate than either spinach or broccoli.
Breast and prostate cancers may respond well to treatment with dandelion greens, according to Mark A. Goldstein, co-author of the book "Healthy Herbs." Researchers of a study published in the May 2008 issue of the "International Journal of Oncology" found that dandelion leaf extract, but not extracts of dandelion flower or root, decreased growth in tissue cultures of breast cancer cells. Dandelion leaf extract also blocked the spread of prostate cancer in the study. Researchers concluded that dandelion leaf extract may offer potential benefits as anti-cancer agents.
Chia Seeds
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