Friday, July 11, 2014

Optimal Immunity

When the seasons change are you generally left feeling under the weather and reaching for those over-the-counter meds? When we feel sick, our body is actually telling us to get back into BALANCE and flush toxic buildup out of our system. Taking medicine can actually suppresses our immune system’s natural response to illness, which over time weakens our bodies inherent ability to heal. Fortunately, there are lots of natural ways to kick a cold and supercharge your immune system, and you needn't look any further than your kitchen pantry or local health food store!


Garlic, the stinking rose, is nature’s antibiotic. It’s a fantastic thing to add to your diet if you start to feel under the weather! Substances called allistatin, allicin, garlicin and ajoine are the strongest antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and immune-enhancing compounds found in large quantities in garlic. Fresh garlic is best, and should be crushed and allowed to sit for approximately 15 minutes prior to eating. Crushing the garlic allows those all important enzymes to reach full potential before ingesting,so go ahead, crush it and start adding it to your meals. 

Fermented Foods

If you want to boost your immune system in a major way, adding fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi is important. Fermented foods contain healthy, friendly bacteria (probiotics) that help to balance your gut flora — this is where 70% of your immune system is housed! Keeping your gut in working order is essential to good health, and fermented foods are powerful.


In addition to adding probiotic-rich foods to your diet, consider a probiotic supplement. Having a healthy intestinal tract is the most important part of an optimally functioning immune system! Probiotics fill your gut with good bacteria and can kill off invading pathogens, harmful bacteria and fungi. 


Turmeric is one of the foods with the highest antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is anti-viral, anti-fungal and can help protect against cancer. Inflammation is the cause of many chronic diseases that cause health to deteriorate, so turmeric is your anti-inflammatory superhero! When you mix turmeric with black pepper, you increase your body’s absorption significantly.

Vitamin D

Adequate levels of Vitamin D are essential for our immune systems to function properly. Most of our Vitamin D intake comes from sunlight, so to optimize your levels a Vitamin D3 supplement can be enormously helpful. This is one of the most important things you can to do ward off sickness and keep your body in tip top shape! To find out how much vitamin D you’ll need, get your Vitamin D level checked by your doctor. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many unique health-promoting benefits. It contains a compound called lauric acid, which has been shown to enhance immunity and improve heart and thyroid health. It’s also anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral, so making it a staple in your diet is a smart idea if you want to feel your best! And don’t be concerned about the fat — the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are converted to energy quickly in the body, as opposed to storing it

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